Sunday, November 20, 2011

Casino (1995)

If you're gonna have a Main Man Movie, eventually you're gonna need a Scorsese. And right at the top of the list are Goodfellas and Casino. Really, they're the same movie; they just changed names and locations. Who cares, though? Pesci and DeNiro are just so much damn fun to watch.

The Weekly Barbeardian: 11/20/11

This week's topics include Thanksgiving, preparing for a zombie apocalypse (or a hurricane), and the OWS protests.

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News Sources
To Troll A Predator: Vigilante Teens From Chilliwack, BC, Dress As Superheroes, Confront Men
Suspected White House shooter claimed to be modern Jesus Christ
Illinois Superman caper lands thief in prison

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hungarian Apple Strudel

Read this introductory paragraph and see what a giant nerd Jesse is:

I totally rushed the dough-stretching part of this recipe and I feel bad about it. The Hungarian chick that my pastry book talks about can stretch the dough out to like 8 ft. or whatever. The further you stretch it out, the more layers of flaky goodness you get. Well, mine was substantially less, and my excuse was that I had to get to music trivia. I have a music trivia night that I attend every Monday. I actually schedule things around this. Well, as you'll see, the dough-stretching is really fucking hard and it's not the kind of thing you want to be doing inside of a strict time frame. This is ain't no damn chocolate chip cookies, son.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)

May 15th, 1992. My 7th birthday.

It was on that day that I became a man. You could say it was my very own Bar Mitzvah. (Also a 'hello' to our Hebrew readers from Israel. Did you like that Bar Mitzvah line? That one was for you.) There was no ceremony. No breaking of a wine glass under a cloth. (Mazel tov!)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Friday, November 11, 2011

I watched Oldboy for the first time with fellow barbeardian Patrick about four years ago. Strangely, it was available to rent (borrow?) from our school's library, so one rainy afternoon, he and I sat in his dorm room, popped it in, and watched. The movie begins with the main character holding a man over a rooftop ledge by his tie--this is the point where I realized this rainy afternoon was about to get weird.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The hipster has become one of the most popular subjects for rants these days, so I would like to take an opportunity to put my thoughts down on the subject. I've posted many a status update about these foul, humanoid abominations, but I've never been able to fully develop these ideas. Now that the Barbeardian has given me this medium and a chance to speak to the masses of 17 readers, I give you my rant on the hipster:

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Weekly Barbeardian: 11/06/11

New Barbeardian writer Jesse joins Patrick and Ian for discussions about Kevin Smith's Red State, child abuse in Texas, and the age-old blind/deaf question.

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News Sources
Judge William Adams Won't Be Charged Over Videotaped Beating Of Daughter, Police Say

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Blues Brothers (1980)

The summer of 1980 might be the best summer for comedies in history. Within about one month's time, we had The Blues Brothers, Airplane and Caddyshack. (We also got Wholly Moses! but we won't get into that.) Airplane and Caddyshack are great, no question. But I think the best of all three of those is easily The Blues Brothers.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky

Riki-Oh is not your garden variety low-budget action film. This movie targets the demographic of immature men that have been desensitized to TV violence from an early age. Less money on acting, story, and editing = more money for fake blood and limbs.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hey folks.

I gotta get something off my chest. I fell off the wagon for about a month. You see, my best friend's mom came in from out of town and made authentic Mexican food almost every night. That means rice - and lots of it. And tortillas. Beans. Tortas. All kinds of delicious stuff, but stuff that I'm still trying my hardest to stay away from.

And you know what? I regret nothing.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Weekly Barbeardian: 10/30/11

Patrick and Ian discuss various horror movies at length (including Paranormal Activity 3 and The Human Centipede 2) before moving onto video games and cannibalism.

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News Sources
Grand Theft Auto 5