Let's do this if we're gonna do this. And why not? After starting the week with Keith David and John Carpenter, we should finish the week the same way. Today at the Barbeardian, we bring you one of the baddest fights ever filmed.
It's not flashy. It's not technical. And it certainly isn't fast-paced. Folks, by know you should certainly know that I'm referring to the titanic battle between "Rowdy" Roddy Piper and the aforementioned Keith David in the 1988 John Carpenter classic They Live. For those of you unaware (and for shame if you are), RRP obtained a pair of sunglasses that let him see the truth of the world around him, and all that he wants to do is let his new buddy Keith David in on the secret.
The beauty of this one is in these guys' persistence. All KD (why should Roddy Piper be the only one with sweet initials) had to do was placate the guy and put on his stupid glasses. But no. He was steadfast. So steadfast, in fact, that he'd rather partake in a 6 minute ass-kicking. Even after he gets his damn rear window shattered, neither one of them say "Ok, ok, fuck this." And after each round, both of them have a harder and harder time finding their feet. "I can barely stand, but shuffle around holding your ribs there for a second while I grab this board." RRP maybe had more of a motivation to continue, being that he was alone in this world, and needed someone else on his side to fight the good fight. But fuck, man, if you're pinned to the ground getting 4 consecutive knee shots to the eggs, when do you say, "Fine, man, I gotcha. I'll get somebody else."
And that's the thing. These guys are more or less buddies, I mean, comparatively to everyone else in the world. Even when RRP accidentally breaks KD's back window, like I mentioned, he puts down the 2x4 and says, "Oh, man, I'm so sorry." and they still continue to lay into each other for like 3 more minutes.
This fight really has everything. It's visceral. It's got hard hits. Weapons. Nice guy "Hey I'll help you up, then punch you right in the goddamned teeth" moves. It even has a fucking suplex off the wall. Let's see Jason Bourne do that shit.
I love this movie. When you first started doing your MAN-MOVIE reviews, this is the one that came to mind. Great choice.
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