You see, Mrs. Barbeardian decided she wanted be with another caveman, but at the same time, told me she loved my beard and didn't want me to leave the cave we had together. So, I kindof fell off the grid for a while and into a bottle. Don Draper style.
Anyway, TDB is back with a vengeance. I'd thought I'd give you guys a big post to make up for the time gone. Let's kick it off with a Main Man Movie

Falling Down (1993)
Falling Down changed my childhood. It was always one of those movies that came on Saturday afternoons on the local stations and I would always stop and watch it, even if it was in the middle. It was, and remains to be one of the most badass movies I've seen. Who wouldn't want to go on a rampage against every injustice you saw in the world, no matter how small?
Michael Douglas stars in this Joel Schumacher beast as William Foster (D-FENS), a former defense and weapons engineer. He snaps one day and decides to confront anything that gets in his way of seeing his daughter for her birthday. Oh, and by the way, he's crazy and is legally restricted from seeing his daughter for her birthday.
Foster's travels see him encounter folks ranging from cholos in the park, a neo-nazi owner of an army surplus store, old WASPS on a golf-course, a Korean convenience store owner, a black guy that was denied a bank loan, a lazy construction worker, and a very iconic encounter with the manager of a burger joint.
I've almost done this at McDonald's at 10:30 |
By the end of the movie, Foster is brought to justice for trying to bring down those that he thought were unjust. But not before causing a destruction of property and a CONstruction of thought. (seewhatididthere)
Falling Down is an important film that explores the rights and wrongs of society through the eyes of a broken man pushed past the point of no return. Through his cracked glasses we are forced to look at the world around us and think to ourselves how we can change it for the better.
5 axes

Now, in honor of the Whammy Burger restaurant that William Foster shot up, I thought I'd share a burger that I made recently in a little segment I like to call:

I've gotten pretty good at making a burger that I like. The first couple were either under or over done. I've gotten the timing down as well as how best to season it.
It was pretty damned delicious, and might be the best burger I've made to date. The saltiness of the onion and burger really complimented the rich spiciness of the cheese sauce. I'm hoping to refine this one or turn it into an actual soup with steak or ground beef. Either way, this one was a great success.
Hopefully from here on out, I'll be updating more regularly. I kindof fell off the diet a little for a few days, but I'm back in action now, and have lost five more pounds in a week, bringing the total lost to twenty-seven pounds. No matter how rough life gets, Barbeardians, remember that there will always be steak, and you can always grow more facial hair. I'm now accepting applications for Mrs. Barbeardian and, as with everything else, beards are a plus.
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